Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Zoned in!

I recently heard a story on NPR about how we do not have enough industrial zones. Now I largely work in those types of areas, and if elected I really can’t say if I’d be reelected. Besides there are term limits, which means I better watch out for my own interests, as well as the public good.

When I think of industrial zoning I think of jobs and the American dream. We don’t want to limit the manufacturing economy in California by having our industrial areas and buildings priced too high to be competitive. Especially with the minimum wage in California going up to $15 an hour by 2022, we don’t want entrepreneurs to have problems with our industrial zoned real estate being too costly driving away jobs.

While bringing piped water and sewer systems to new areas, I'd like to see a law whereby many "rural estates" in California could be converted to low carbon emission industrial zones if desired by buyers and sellers. We have the technology to make manufacturers good neighbors. And let's be ahead of our time, not behind the times and work on the problem of housing scarcity due to zoning too. 


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